Wednesday, June 13

What I DID Do Wednesdays

Phew...I made it. I got this post up.

Despite my good intentions to have this written by last night (for the background to this post read "What's on Your DID DO List?") so that I would merely need to preview, edit and post this morning (all the things an efficient, organized blogger attempting a link-up would do, right?!), I ended up watching television after the girls went to bed because I was so tired from the long day that stringing words together on a computer screen held so little appeal that the remote, and a fleece blanket and the lure of the flat screen won out.

I will give myself kudos for at least opting for educational television. I've been wanting to watch the Forks over Knives documentary that's been sitting in my instant Netflix queue. I'm a sucker for nutrition documentaries from some reason, particularly those documenting the nation's horrendous eating habits and suggestions for change-- this totally fit the bill!

That said, the flip side was that I woke up this morning harping on myself about not getting this post up sooner...

Ironic, seeeing  as this is a post about what we DO get done in our busy, kid-filled days, not what we DON'T!

Alright, so here it is...What I DID get done yesterday...

Tuesday, June 12th

6:00 Woke up!
(I don't usually get up this early (though I always tell myself I should!), but I had a 6:30 a.m. appointment with the homeopath that I see once a month. She mixes up all sorts of stuff for me. Scott and I call them my "magic potions"!)

6:30 a.m. Homeopath meeting

7:30 Done with meeting, swing into Panera to have a breakfast sandwich and finish a blog post. Pick up bagels for hubby and the girls.

8:30 Home. Sit with Ava at counter while she eats her breakfast. We talk about the day, prayer, kindergarten...all sorts of stuff!

9:30 Take the girls to my moms house. They go there on Tuesdays when my mom has the day free. They LOVE going to grandmas house!

10:00 Make coffee. Check email. Sit and do some focused Bible study and then spend time praying. It was AWESOME.

11:00 Respond to emails. Plan some blog posts. Start this blog post. Make a to-do list for the week.

11:15-11:45 Spend WAY more time than intended trying to figure out how to create a "link-up" at the bottom of this post. I've done it before, but apparently the website I've used in the past now wants money and I wasn't going to pay them...I had to find a new, free, linky resource.

11:45 Eat lunch...(It's good to feed yourself sporadically throughout the day, especially when the munchkins are not around to peck off your plate!)

12:15 Printed submission guidelines for several online/print publications I've considered submitting too.

12:30 Create two folders "Blogging/Writing" and "Home Management". The idea is to turn these into organized binders in an effort to help me reach my goals and be more, well, organized. I've avoided creating these "binders" for weeks because it seemed too time-consuming. I decided I need to approach some of this stuff with baby steps so I created the folders with some notes in each to get me started.

1:00 pick up the girls

1:30 Break up several fights out in the garage over the fact that Ella was counting too fast in the game of hide and seek the girls were playing not giving Ava enough time to  hide. When I peeked my head out the door and found Ella grinning from ear to ear I knew immediately it was no accident...She was driving her sister crazy on purpose. I told her to slow down her counting.

1:45 Have the girls help me put vegetables in the crock pot for dinner. This actually turns into another fight in which Ava wants to be right next to me and Ella is cramping her style. I set Ella up at the sink to "wash" dishes, which she loves to do. She manages to break one of my favorite coffee mugs. I pretend it's not perhaps a safety concern that she is washing ceramic mugs and breaking them. I throw the mug out and we all proceed. Ava grills her about the fact that it was my FAVORITE mug. Big emphasis to make Ella feel REALLY bad. I tell her to stop being to hard on her sister and tell Ella it was ok.

2:15 We head upstairs for some much needed quiet time for mommy. I feel a little guilty because the girls have been done all morning, but I woke up at 5:50 and only got 6 hours of sleep. Scott will be gone all night. Mommy needs a 1/2 hour nap.

3:15 We come downstairs, watch Imagination Movers and have a snack (and coffee for me! ). I upload pictures from Ava's birthday to Walgreens so that we can pick them up later. I spend WAY more time than expected trying to remember my password for Walgreens and getting the pictures loaded (hence the need for a "Home Management" binder where I keep my passwords!!!)

4:00 We got outside to play. There is some drama about spilled bubbles. I negotiate the drama and we move on.

4:45 Make a salad for dinner.

5:00 Watch the girls outside.

5:30 Eat dinner

6:00 Scott leaves for the concert he is going to with my dad, brother and his dad.

6:30 Ella and I go to Walgreens to pick up pictures.

7:15 We get jammies on and put a movie in. It's supposed to be a nice relaxing 45 minutes. WE are watching Sweet Pea Beauty (Veggie Tales). Unfortunately, Ava finds the movie incredibly disturbing (long story, but the Queen gets pink warts and hair patches on her face because she drank a potion which makes her outer appearance reflect her "heart"). Ava is afraid she's going to have nightmares about a purple vegetable queen with pink warts and hair patches.

Oh my.

I pray for her. Come up with replacement things for her to think about, and tickle her arm until she falls asleep. Ella is singing and yelling strange words from her room while I try to settle her sister down. At one point she sneaks in behind me and loudly asks, "What's wrong Ava?!!!"

"Please go to bed," I plead, "I'll be in in a minute."

I settle Ava. Go in and pray with Ella. Come back and settle Ava some more.

8:45 Both girls are finally asleep. I sprinkle pepper flakes onto my garden in an attempt to keep the birds and rabbits out (they've been eating my plants!) and then crash onto the couch!

9:05 I crawl under the blanket and watch the documentary.

11:00 lights out!

So what did you do yesterday?!!!

Here's the goal...pick one day from the last week (last Thursday through today-- feel free to use today and post at the end of the day!) and jot down what you DID get done that day! Every little thing you can think of...because little is BIG in this world. Write your DID Do's up in a blog post and link up at the bottom of the page. Can't wait to read everyone else's lists!

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