Saturday, April 5

5 Minute Friday: Writer


I've been known to write in my car on occasion when searching for a quiet space! 

A composer of words, stitching meaning together in a way that will hopefully resonate.

A way to share stories.

A way to process life.

A way to inspire others.

A way to engage a weary and sometimes disconnected world.

In my journals it is a way to pray.

In cards to my children and husband,  a way to love.

Writers come in many differing shapes and sizes. Their word choices unique, their beliefs and life experience shaping a message specific to where they've been, but hopefully universal enough to reach out from where they are into someone else's world.

We are all very different and yet very much the same. We need each others words and we must share our own.

While this season of motherhood doesn't always allow time to craft my words well or, with the precision or beauty I'd like, I continue to write because it is inherent to who I am, like breathing or drinking water. It is my connection to the outside world at times, and therapy to my soul at others. It empties my soul and fills it back up.

I too, like Lisa-Jo said in her beautiful post (that you should read here if you have not already), must steal time...mornings where I wake earlier than I'd like (right now), evenings when I stay up later than I should. Scritch scratch on post it notes, and notebooks pages, the back of envelopes and school papers. I have stacks of journals filled with ramblings and memories, inspirations and laments...for no other reason than the sheer fact that I must.

I must get it down and out sometimes...and then I can go on with my day.

Because I am a writer (:

Five Minute Friday

This post is part of 5 Minute Friday- a place where hundreds come together to write for 5 minutes about a new word each week.


  1. I agree it has to come out, and I sit bubba nestled asleep in one arm and typing one handed because I love to write . . . like you
    Five Minute Friday Friend

  2. Hmmm....I like the idea of writing in the car at a quiet space. Those cafes people talk of writing at just never work for me. Great post...LOVE how you ended it. It made quite an impact. Good job. :)

  3. I agree that writing is a way to process life!
    And yes, we need each other words, and we need to share ours. :)

  4. I loved your words today. "I continue to write because it is inherent to who I am, like breathing or drinking water". So very true. I have found that it is almost impossible to stop.

  5. I love the way you shared the many things being a writer is about! And so true that we need each others words, as well as we need each others presence.
    -Ava Sophie

  6. So great to connect with you online (I occasionally participate in 5 Minute Friday) and also in real life at this conference. Look forward to keeping in touch about motherhood and writing! (Also, love your car office. Just brilliant.)


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